Having a credit card as a payment instrument provides many advantages for the holder. In addition to providing various benefits and facilities that benefit, credit cards provide a major convenience is that the holder does not need to carry large amounts of cash when they want to shop or travel.
As a means of payment, credit cards also have the risk to be abused by people who are not responsible. One form of abuse that often occurs is usually due to a known data about credit cards, such as credit card number and expiry date and PIN. To avoid known credit card data, then below are some things we need to consider:
1. Treat your card like cash.
Always store it in a safe and should never lend it to others even to close friends or family. Use only when absolutely necessary and then save it back as soon as the transaction is done. This is necessary because the credit card, listed a number and the cardholders full name and credit card expiry date. This information is generally used for credit card abuse.
2. Try to allow you to watch or watch on your credit card swipe / swipe.
Make sure the credit card is swiped only once per transaction and swiped at the EDC or the bow that was officially issued by the bank processors.
3. Do not throw away any credit card transaction slips and invoices without tearing it or destroy it first, because it also includes credit card information can also be misused.
4. Always monitor transaction conducted.
Check with your billing statements carefully, ensure that all transactions are transactions that are collectible are you doing. Promptly report to the credit card issuing bank if you find transactions that you did not do.
By doing some of these situations, you have to minimize the possibility of misuse of your credit card.
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