WAR interbank credit cards began to find its momentum. Banks aggressively offer credit card products with lots of charm in it. There is a free annual fee (annual fee) and not a few who flooded the prize if you are the more frequent use of credit cards. Also, high cash advance and ease of raising the loan ceiling as well as reward points. On the other hand, one choosing and using credit cards to the card holder will trap wells in debt. That you hold a credit card debt is not snared for life and being chased handyman receivable (debt collectors) are sometimes rude and embarrass you in front of work friends, the following tips on choosing a credit card and once using credit cards wisely. There are three important steps that must be observed in selecting and using credit cards. First, choose a credit card issuer of credible and ease in the can from the credit card. Second, select the type of credit cards, whether the type of silver, gold, or platinum. Third, the outlook on the credit card itself.
IN selecting a bank issuer of credit cards, there are some things you should look. First, whether the credit card issuing bank is credible enough, for example, whether the bank had long been issuing credit cards. This involves administrative neatness of the transaction. In many cases, simply chase the target bank card holders so as to give ease excessive at first, but later it lost the day convenience. Choose the credit card issuing bank experienced. Secondly, if your credit card can be accepted in many places (merchant), including if you are abroad. Third, if interest rates are applied fairly competitive or lower.
Interest rate factor becomes important when you include people who are not disciplined or often "forget" to pay the bills. In addition, the bank does not mean that wearing a zero interest rates is cheaper than the bank that gives interest rates, for example, three percent. Be careful, because the bank that sets interest rate is zero requires cardholders repay a fixed monthly, and if the sum is still greater when paying with a system of interest. For example, you buy a computer worth USD 6 million. If no interest, you will pay Rp 500,000 per month for a year. In fact, you pay the mortgage is greater than Rp 500,000 per month.
Fourth, whether the annual fee imposed cheap or expensive. However, banks are not necessarily also freed in the first year annual fee will be cheaper in the second year, and beyond. Fifth, if the issuing bank provides the ease of paying. For example, if you want to pay the bills, whether you have come to the bank or via ATM. It also needs to be careful because every time you pay on any ATM charges. These payment rates are not uniform, there is Rp 8,000 per payment and there is Rp 10,000 per payment. Sixth, if your credit card has insurance? Choose the card that has insurance and discount card at a time.
Step two is to select the type of card, whether silver, gold, or platinum. The three types of cards that contain the consequences of its own making in choosing the type of card you have to adjust to the capabilities of your pockets. If you are just classy silver bag with a loan ceiling of Rp 6 million, do not ever hold your gold card with a ceiling of Rp 20 million, especially holding the card that had a platinum type of loan ceiling of Rp 50 million.
It concerns the potential vulnerabilities in debt. The key, if you have an income of Rp 6 million per month, as usual formula of debt, you do not have more mortgage debt by 30-40 percent per month or about USD 2.5 million up to Rp 3 million of the total of your income. Problems will arise if you still have to repay a car, house, or other items of debt. Then, from where your credit card debt? It could be that you will sacrifice consumption needs or you will be deeply in debt for the rest of your life.
Furthermore, the third step is the attitude outlook on the credit card itself. Never shop with a credit card solely chase rewards points or prizes. However, according to the needs and abilities Spend your pocket. The key, if you are shopping with a credit card every month Rp 3 million, at the end of the month you have to pay Rp 3 million.
The move will make you do not have to pay interest. However, if you only pay the minimum bill, the rest of your debt will be exposed to interest. If at the second and third month you only pay the minimum bill, though for the month you still use a credit card with additional debt, you include the people who will "debt hangover" because of your outstanding debt and interest expense increased even bigger. Basically, the credit card that is not as easy for the debt instrument, but must be treated as a tool to ease and security in the transaction. The basic attitude that should be underlie every credit card holder if it does not want his life debt held hostage and was visited by debt collectors.
Many cases of credit card holders are trapped in debt bondage because looking at credit card debt as a convenience. In fact, the credit card as a means of cash transactions substitute for safe and easy.
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