Easy Forex Trading

Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to avoid the misuse of your Credit Card

your financial security, is of great we watch. To anticipate the possibility of risk
fraud and misuse of the card, we implement early prevention services (Early Fraud Detection) with this service allows us to notify you in case of private transactions outside of your habits.

However, we recommend that you always check your monthly billing statements to ensure that every credit card transaction you are well done by you as a cardholder.

Tips to avoid theft, fraud or abuse of the card:

1) Storing credit cards in a safe place.

2) Do not provide data or credit card information to another person or party that is not clear.

3) Check the monthly billing statement and match it with the transaction slip to ensure that transactions are printed on billing statements in accordance with the transaction you are doing. Immediately report to the bank if there are discrepancies or errors.

4) You are expected to cooperate, if the Bank to confirm the transaction is usually done by telephone.

5) Never sign a blank receipt.

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