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Sunday, December 25, 2011

This Tips Using Credit Cards

Jakarta - Bank Indonesia (BI) cautioned to customers and prospective customers in their use of credit cards in order not to fall and was in debt. What information should be known by the credit card holder?
Associate Analyst Bank Indonesia Sri Yulia Parayudhanti reveals both to holders and prospective credit card holders need to know basic things before using this card.

"It is important, for prospective customers and clients to know these basic things that customers will not get caught and if they feel aggrieved clients understand their rights," Sri said when met at the sidelines of the Transparency Products, Customer Protection and Mediation Banking at Hotel Papandayan , London, Saturday (24/09/2011).

What should be known to clients the following explanation of BI:

1 ) Credit card issuers must inform the use of the services of parties other than the credit card issuer to perform billing, if the credit card issuer to use it.
 2 ) Credit card issuers submit billing information complete, accurate, and informative and done correctly and on time.
3 )   Any change in general to information shall be informed in writing back to the credit card holder.
4 )  Credit card issuers are automatically prohibited from providing facilities that have an impact on the additional costs to be borne by the holders of credit cards or other facilities outside the main functions of a credit card
 5 ) In the case of issuers using the services of a third party by such party billing is only done if the quality of credit card bills, in doubtful or loss
 6 )  Publishers must ensure the billing by the other party notice provisions in a manner that does not violate the law
 7 )  In the event the merchant transaction processing prohibited EDC cash withdrawals using a credit card.
 8 )  Merchants are prohibited from charging additional fees (surcharge) to the holders of credit cards
 9 )  Minimum payments are pegged publisher for customer liability in the amount of arrears which amounted to 10% minimum of the total bill
 10 )  Cash withdrawal limit is $ 10 million for cash withdrawals through ATMs
  Nominal boundary to be transferred via credit card is $ 25 million through the ATM

"When there are customers who feel do not get the rights that should be given by the publishers, customers may request direct to the publishers," said Sri.

If there are problems, Sri adding sometimes solved by direct bank and if it has not satisfied the customer can complain through the mediation of Bank Indonesia.

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